Intelligent design is *not* creationism.
Or, in the words of William Dembski, world-famous intelligent design proponent:
Interviewer: Does your research conclude that God is the Intelligent Designer?Ouch. Dr. Dembski, isn't there a commandment in there that you've been breaking? Cause you told me it wasn't about religion...
Dembski: I believe God created the world for a purpose. The Designer of intelligent design is, ultimately, the Christian God.
Interviewer: Who is your target audience?You mean it's a hymnal *and* a
Dembski: I don’t want to give the impression that it’s not a demanding book, but the book works at several levels.
Interviewer: How will your research affect the world of science?Really? It'll change your life? Well, if you fail to change minds, it'll only be because the world is already indoctrinated. It couldn't possibly be because you're dead ass wrong... [/sarcasm]
Dembski: It’s going to change the national conversation. I don’t see how you can read this book, if you’ve not been indoctrinated with Darwin’s theory, and go back to the evolutionary fold.
enormous hat tip: ERV

I LUV that they described Dembski as a 'leading scientist and mathematician'. LUV IT!!!
Yep, leading what?
Well, we hope that it Leads up to graduating with a degree in the exciting world of the Fashion Industry.
ID. For those that don't think so good, but still want to preach all the answers.
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