Democrats and quarks?
What are the political implications to liberals of gravity? What does the Big Bang contribute to communism? Does the libertarian party have concerns about DNA being the genetic material? Should Democrats make their social policies to suit the existence of quarks?
I'm writing these questions to point out the silliness in asking the question:
Does Darwinian theory undermine conservative notions of religion and morality or does it actually support conservative philosophy?The New York Times asked this question in an article, published yesterday, lending a layer of credibility to the question.
Three of ten Republicans at the recent presidential debate said that they don't "believe" in evolution. (Never mind that I find believing in a theory to be silly. Belief is for churches. Science deals in evidence for and against. And in the case of evolution, the 150 years of evidence has piled up, and the results are in. Evolution is the best description of the origin of species that we have). Perhaps a followup question could have been "How many of you believe the earth is flat?". This country has the best scientific enterprise in the world, and yet presidential candidates are professing anti-scientific sentiments (in public, no less).
Let's just usher those folks off the stage, shall we? You're not qualified to be president. Buh-bye.

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