Looks like we're not the only ones to be getting free creationism tracts in the mail. The New York Times reports that they've been sent all over the country (our department got several last week). Harun Yahya has been mailing it all over.
Kenneth R. Miller, a biologist at Brown University, said he and his colleagues in the life sciences had all received copies. When he called friends at the University of Colorado and the University of Chicago, they had the books too, he said. Scientists at Brigham Young University, the University of Connecticut, the University of Georgia and others have also received them....Quote of the day?
While they said they were unimpressed with the book’s content, recipients marveled at its apparent cost. “If you went into a bookstore and saw a book like this, it would be at least $100,” said Dr. Miller, an author of conventional biology texts. “The production costs alone are astronomical. We are talking millions of dollars.”
As the scientists ponder what to do with the book — for many, it is too beautiful for the trash bin but too erroneous for their shelves...

Cut out the pretty pictures. Make collages. Recycle the rest.
I have a book problem. I can't deface books (even lousy ones). I won't write my name in them, nor can I stand it when people bend the pages to mark which page they're on.
Even this book, I don't think I could bring myself to cut the pretty pictures out...
Oh whatever-- If a daughter of a librarian can do it, you can do it! hehehe! SOME good should come from those pretty pics and killed trees!
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